Climatic controls on flood events affecting communities of the Northwest Territories
Student: Amy Cook
Partner: Dr. Ryan Connon and Dr. Anna Coles from the Government of the Northwest Territories website
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Andrew Ireson and Dr. Karl Erich-Lindenschmidt
Date: May-August, 2019
A project report submitted in partial fulfilment for the Masters in Water Security degree
I wish to thank the following individuals:
Dr. Coles and Dr. Connon from the Government of the Northwest Territories for their enthusiasm, assistance, and encouragement during this project.
The GNWT for funding that allowed me to spend a wonderful summer in Yellowknife while doing the project.
Dr. Lindenschmidt for providing feedback, guidance, and expertise in the field of river ice science.
Dr. Ireson for his patience, support, his attention, and for believing in me throughout the program.
My partner Chris for his unyielding support and encouragement along the way, for keeping me on track, and for not giving up on me when I felt like giving up on myself.