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Representation of Spatial Heterogeneity of the Baker Creek Watershed in the Land-Surface Hydrology Model, MESH
Student: Haley Brauner
Partner : Bruce Davison from Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)
Faculty Advisor : Dr. Andrew Ireson School of Environment and Sustainability, University of Saskatchewan
Date: May-August, 2019
A project report submitted in partial fulfilment for the Masters in Water Security degree
I wish to thank the following people for their generous support in the success of this project:
Bruce Davison, Environment and Climate Change Canada, for putting forward this project and for his guidance throughout.
Dan Princz, Environment and Climate Change Canada, for taking time out of his busy schedule to provide training, advice, and support for the modelling portion of the project. Without his assistance, this project would not have been possible.
Chris Spence, Environment and Climate Change Canada, for sharing his first-hand knowledge of the Baker Creek Watershed, and for the vast body of scientific knowledge he has published in his years of work in the Baker Creek watershed.
My family, for their support during this Master’s program. To my husband, for taking on a larger share of our the household responsibilities, for giving me the time and space to study, and for providing encouragement and soundboarding. Also to my children, Ben and Lucy, for the joy they exude which helped me especially during the difficult times during this process. Also to my parents and in-laws for providing childcare and moral support.